
We devote a lot of our attention to the improvement of fitness of our patients. Under the watchful eye of female physiotherapists, out patients get the chance to have their body functions restored and their pain reduced. What is of particular importance to us is the improvement of mobility of our patients. The residents take advantage of a fully equipped rehabilitation room, but rehabilitators also work with patients in their rooms – individual rehabilitation provided at the bedside. As part of this rehabilitation, passive exercises, thrombosis prevention exercises and contracture prevention are done. Stroke patients and fractures are rehabilitated by tilting patients to erect position and assisted walking, the so-called process of learning to walk.

Rehabilitation of each patient is carried out taking into account their individual needs and abilities as well as on the basis of observation of progress of the person being rehabilitated.

Gymnasium equipment:

  • universal exercise unit;
  • rotor for lower and upper limb exercises;
  • chiropractic table;
  • hand and foot massagers;
  • mattress;
  • ladders;
  • stationary bicycles;
  • sollux lamp;
  • laser.

Additionally, our patients take advantage of the occupational therapy which includes:

  • exercises improving memory;
  • dayroom activities;
  • activities improving manual skills;
  • music therapy;
  • activities involving movement.

Cultural events organised as a part of vocal and theatrical performances of groups invited by us also enjoy huge popularity as monthly meetings with a chaplain do. Photographs from the events are available in the News section.


Redecz Wielki Wieś 15
87-890 Lubraniec


kom: +48 573 230 505
kom: +48 885 204 902
tel: +48 54 286 21 95


Jaszczółtowo 24
88-111 Rojewo


kom: +48 505 840 356
kom: +48 573 230 505


kom: +48 505 840 356
kom: +48 573 230 505



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